Props Required - 2 blocks, 2 blankets ,belt and a chair Duration - 57 minutes |
Props Required - 2 blocks, 2 blankets, belt and a chair Duration - 17 minutes |
Dandasana with back to the wall
Sitting on support in Dandasana helps to keep the back straight and lift up through the spine. If there is not enough strength in the back sit with your back against the wall for extra support. If you are sitting on high support take blocks for your hands. Press your fingertips into the floor or blocks and lift up through the spine. See that the upper back and the back of the head are against the wall. |
Dandasana holding a belt around the feet
Sitting in Dandasana using a belt placed around the feet helps to engage the legs and work on the concavity in the upper back. Lift your knee caps up and press your thighs down. As you pull on the belt lift up through the spine. Lift and broaden your chest, keep your head up and press the back ribs into the body. |
Dandasana with the feet to the wall
Sitting in Dandasana with your feet up against the wall helps to engage the inner legs and the inner feet. Extend from the inner groin to the inner heels pressing the mound of the big toes and inner heels into the wall. The whole foot must be pressing into the wall, especially the inner feet. |
If it is difficult to keep the spine straight when sitting in Swaistikasana take some support under the buttocks such as a folded blanket, block or even a bolster to help lift up through the spine. The height under the buttocks also helps to release the knees and allow the groins to descend. Soften the groins, release the knees, take the buttocks down, abdomen back and lift up through the spine. |
Swaistikasana with support under the buttocks
Pressing the fingertips into the floor helps to create length in the spine, from the pelvis to the chest. If you have height under the buttocks and your hands can not reach the floor take support under your hands to press into. Press the fingertips into the floor or the support and lift up through the spine. Draw the shoulders back and down and lift the sternum. Crown of the head extending upwards. |
Swaistikasana with support under the hands
Placing a rolled blanket under the knees and shins also helps to release the groins and the knees. Using the blanket in this way is also comfortable for sitting in meditation. Observe the central line from the crown of the head to the perineum. Soften your throat, your mouth and your eyes. |
Swaistikasana with a rolled blanket under the shins
Virasana with height under the buttocks
Virasana enhances mobility in the knees and ankles, If the knees or ankles are tight place height under the buttocks. If you have a knee injury be sure to have enough height so that there is no pressure or discomfort in the knee. Extend the inner and outer ankles evenly, make sure the small toes are touching the floor. |
Virasana with a blanket under the shins
If the ankles are stiff place a folded blanket under the feet and shins with the feet hanging over the edge of the blanket. Sit evenly on your sitting bones do not lean back nor forward, sit right on the center of the sitting bones. Draw the buttocks down, abdomen back and lift up through the sides of the torso. |
Virasana with support for the arms and hands
If sitting for meditation in Virasana place a folded blanket or bolster on the thighs to support your hands. This helps to create more lift in the spine and broaden the chest. Lift up through the spine, take the tips of the shoulders back to broaden the chest. Draw the shoulder blades in and press the back ribs into the body. Release the shoulders down away from the ears and relax the palms and fingers. |